Irnin as an old broad / bride

I can’t decide on which colour scheme I like better, that of the photos in the last post, or this one.  But either way, I’m SO in love with this meadow!!

Irnin as Bride 3

Irnin as Bride (4)

Du-um dum duh-dum…

My latest (favourite) wardrobe addition…

(and also another couple of draft image for my Honours work)

Irnin as Bride

Irnin as Bride 2

Irnin as Christina

The first unofficial, draft image from the major photo/video/installation project I’m working on for Honours (i.e. you know, just that old thing that’s kinda consuming my brain, heart and soul at the moment haha)


The subject matter of the project is popular culture narratives and the human inclination to mimic what we see in the mass media.